With over thirty five years experience, Scott, Holmes & Associates, P.A. is committed to providing timely, cost effective and efficient professional accounting and consulting services that are responsive to our client’s needs, and that add value to our client’s business and financial success. We do not attempt to be all things to all clients. We stick with what we do well and do that better than anyone else. For client needs not provided by our firm, we refer those projects to service providers that excel in those areas, working closely with the client and the provider to insure our clients receive the best possible outsourced service at the best possible price. We historically have maintained long-term relationships with our clients who are located throughout the United States and in foreign countries and we have on several occasions provided local client support services for international accounting firms.
Income taxes are a significant cost of doing business and must be managed, while still focusing on the bottom line. The cost of any additional professional services must always be weighed against the expected tax benefit. We subscribe to the highest professional standards and ethics and endeavor to remain cognizant of and comply with all applicable laws, regulations and professional mandates. We are most successful when our clients are most successful.
Any organization is only as good as its collective people wealth. Our staff embraces an attitude of cooperation, communication and teamwork, and remain constantly alert to changes in our client’s needs. Click here to learn more about our Staff and experience they bring to our CPA Firm.